There are two main ways to get involved at St. James and both are important. One is to participate in community events, small groups, etc. and the other is to serve in some ministry team or role. 

Community events, classes, and groups are announced Sunday mornings, in the Upcoming Events section of our web site, and in our newsletter and may change over time. If you need more information or if there is something you are interested in starting, please let us know

Because we are a liturgical church, and liturgy means “work of the people,” it is not surprising that our Sunday morning worship requires the active participation of many people. There are also ministries and roles behind the scenes on which the ongoing life of our congregation depends. Some ministries are teams, and some are accomplished by individuals. 

A third way to participate in the life of the church is to financially support St. James either with one time gifts, or ongoing support. These funds support those parts of the life of the church that are not done by volunteers (administration, musicians, nursery care, etc) and for other operating costs. In addition, these funds support outreach and our province, diocese, and deanery. We base our operating budget for the coming year based on pledges of support given by our members and friends as part of their stewardship of the gifts God has given them. Those pledges are gathered in November or December.  If you are interested in donating to St. James or pledging support in 2024, click here

Sunday morning ministries

As part of the liturgy, there are many roles that need to be filled. Carole Anderson, our deacon, organizes volunteers for these roles each week. Please let her know if you are willing to serve in one of these ways:

  • 3 Readers read or lead the lessons of the day: Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle.
  • 1 Intercessor leads the  prayers of the people, including the prayers written in the bidding book each week.
  • 2 Ushers greet everyone, pass out the bulletins, count those in attendance and are available to answer any questions.
  • 2 Counters count the money and checks that have come in during the week including during the services – this is done during coffee hour.

Altar guild

Altar Guild members prepare the church for worship. They clean up before and after each service, maintain all the church furnishings, vestments, and linens used in the services. Members of Altar Guild live with greater awareness of the church calendar, since all these things shift to mark the seasons and events of the church calendar. 

Being an Altar Guild member requires great devotion and commitment. Every service we have depends on the Altar Guild members being there early to set up. Training is required for this ministry.

The Altar guild is always looking for new members so if you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Sandy Kalman, the current Altar Guild Director.


 Our Hospitality team is very important to the life of our congregation, because it creates a welcoming and nourishing  space for fellowship on Sunday mornings and for other events.  Sunday mornings we have coffee hour after both services which includes food as well. Several times a year we have gatherings for both our services together with a more robust coffee hour or lunch provided. Cynthia Stewart chairs our Hospitality team, but other members help set up and clean up on Sundays and other congregation members help by bringing food to share. Please contact Cynthia Stewart if you are available to help with this ministry.


Our Music team provides beautiful worshipful music at both services.  Our first service music is hymns currently accompanied by a concert harp.  Our second service music is more contemporary music accompanied by piano and guitar. We are blessed by very talented musicians, and by the leadership of Shelly Franklin.  If you have musical gifts and are interested in joining the music team, please contact Shelly Franklin.

Sound and video

Our A/V team has always been essential, but since COVID 19, the work of this team has taken on additional importance.  The A/V team has always been responsible for managing the sound during the service, including purchasing, setting up and maintaining all equipment and software needed for amplification during the service. But since the lockdown, the A/V team is also responsible for recording and livestreaming the services for those who can’t be with us in person.  Every Sunday we need someone to run the sound and someone to run the camera during the service.  If you are interested, please contact Jason Basler, the head of this team.


Children’s ministry oversees Sunday School and Nursery care for the youngest members of our community.  During each service we provide a supervised nursery for children five and under in the same building as the sanctuary. On the first and third Sundays of the month we hold Sunday School during the first part of the service; the teachers and children return to the service in time for Communion.  On the other Sundays of the month, children sit with their families during the service, becoming familiar with the rest of the liturgy: the reading of scripture, prayers and the sermon.  Near the front door, we have books, fidget toys and crayons to make it easier for young ones to sit during the service. There is training and background checks required for this ministry. If you have questions about Sunday School, please contact Bonnie Mancini. If you have questions about Nursery Care, please contact Susan Basler.